Words to Time Calculator

Estimate how long an audiobook will be based on word count and reading speed.


Estimated Audiobook Length

About this calculator

  • The average speaking rate for audiobooks is typically between 150-160 words per minute.
  • Professional narrators might read at a slightly faster pace, around 170-180 words per minute.
  • The actual length may vary depending on the narrator's style, pauses, and the complexity of the text.

Common Audiobook Durations

Words in a...

  • 1-minute audiobook: ~150 words
  • 5-minute audiobook: ~750 words
  • 15-minute audiobook: ~2,250 words
  • 30-minute audiobook: ~4,500 words

Duration of...

  • 1,000 words: ~6-7 minutes
  • 5,000 words: ~33-35 minutes
  • 10,000 words: ~66-70 minutes
  • 50,000 words (short novel): ~5.5-6 hours

Quick Tips for Audiobook Length Estimation

  • Multiply the word count by 0.007 for a rough estimate of hours (based on 150 words per minute).
  • Remember that final audio length can be affected by factors like dialogue, narrative style, and genre.
  • For more accurate estimates, consider timing a sample reading of your specific text.

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